Our main focus: Common diseases such as asthma, allergies and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as infection-related inflammation of the lungs, in particular tuberculosis (TB).
Treatment options for persons affected by drug-resistant tuberculosis are rapidly improving. While 2 years ago standard antibiotic therapy was still recommended for 18 months with then available medicines - leading to approximately 60% of individuals achieving treatment success - novel regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis are shorter and more effective.
Scientists from the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) in Ghana, the Research Center Borstel Leibniz Lung Center (RCB) in Germany, and partner institutions from across Africa and Europe gathered in Windhoek, Namibia, for the second annual meeting of the „Pan-African Network for Genomic Surveillance of Poverty Related Disease and Emerging Pathogens (PANGenS)“ co
Am 31.01 wurden im Gartensaal des Borsteler Herrenhauses insgesamt 12 Biologielaborantinnen und Biologielaboranten in die Berufswelt entlassen und erhielten im Rahmen der offiziellen Entlassungsfeier ihre Zeugnisse und Gesellenbriefe. Gemeinsam mit ihren Familien, den Ausbildern und den Kolleginnen und Kollegen feierten Sie ihre großartigen Leistungen.